The site opens at the index page listing all makers for whom we have information. Each folder contains subfolders where necessary to classify types of clock and a folder of documents specific to that maker or model of clock (such as brochures, price lists, patents, manuals). Some contain video clips. Each folder has a header file of general information contributed by one of our users. For the most prolific makers there may be several header files in subfolders. There are 4 general folders for amateur clocks, batteries, slave clock movement identifier and unknown makers at the start of the list.
There are 4 tabs along the top of the page.
- ‘Home’ takes you to the maker index
- Under ‘Animations’ you will find Ted Bosschieter’s animations. These were previously viewable on a DVD but cannot be delivered in a current web browser. We have converted them to video clips to make them accessible, slightly less interactive but they can be stopped and started.
- The ‘Documents and Search’ tab operates a search engine that searches all documents and returns a hierarchical list of results. It has a link to over 100 historic general reference books and magazine articles, in searchable pdf format.
- Under the ‘About ClockDoc’ tab you will find information on the site organization, contact information, copyright and our privacy statement.