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February 2025

The Rempe clock company catalogue 1904
Pendulum and escapement theory articles in the Robertson clock folder
Two clocks that we know almost nothing about Dallett and Meridian
Polaris quartz marine chronometer
A clock with Junghans mega watch movement
A new master clock by Eijsbouts 
First of many Sangamo items to come courtesy of Les McAllister’s Sangamo website, advertising catalogue 1927 for dealers
A Favarger seconds impulse controller for secondary dials

January 2025

A standard Electric Clock Co (US) catalogue from 1918
An article on the Prouds / Murday installation at Circular Quay in Sydney
Carat clock by Jaz
New paging dials in the Bürk folder with a new explanatory document
Paging dials also added to T&N, Moser-Baer and Wagner folders
A plain Bürk plain secondary dial
and a number of minor changes and updates to header files


Two new Ferramo Ferraris driven clocks by Bauerle
The later type of Kelvin Hughes quartz marine chronometer
Another 1 second Ericsson master clock
Two early quartz from Staiger, the QC2000 and QC2001
New information and another very early Siemens Shuckert master clock
A less common Bardon pendulum bob design
A second Magneta Fischer with an unusual metal tape driven programmer
A second Omega electromagnetic desk clock
Prud’homme rare early sympathetic pendulum secondary dial
Another Mercer mantle chronometer
A late Mauthe mantle clock with Kienzle 606 movement
An image of the original Holden LR battery holder

Founding Clockdoc team member Jan van Harten passed away on the 8th September 2024. More information here.

A folder for the Supremo electromechanical movement by Schmid and Cie
A new seconds dial Gent Thornbridge with many images
A new folder for the Seiko High Beat clock
Another Milde secondary dial
A Letorey pneumatic dial
External images of the Seiko QC-6TN-R2 quartz marine master
Early Siemens master of 1906 with full restoration images
A Cartier early quartz desk clock
A T&N secondary clock with flip movement
A Milde secondary clock
A Semca / Angelus clock
Disassembly and videos of Self-Winding Clock Co model F movement
Electras kit clock
A MKII synchronome with pulse lengthener and alternate polarity
More information on the Puja calendar clock, now identified as a Burk product
A Self Winding Clock Co wall clock with Pond rotary movement
An early Hipp slave observatory dial no 8563
Mirax car clock with 12v Reform movement
An American Clock Co wall clock
Synchronome 5 second impulse relay for the digital flip clock
Updated images Lowne wall master clock no 642
An original Magneta (Swiss) installation with custom dials in Bucharest
The Robertson clock, a unique clock at Bristol University
A Hipp toggle wall clock by Alexander Steuart
An unknown maker complex strike and chime unit
A Gent mantle slave with C9 movement
Synchronome from Jodrell Bank Observatory
New Hamilton folder with a quartz chronometer-style clock
Another Hettich clock, dome with balance wheel
A prototype tank regulator by the Warren Clock Co. USA
The Smiths Batriclock
A Bardon 1 second regulator
A Magneta wall clock to the 1913 Jabs patent
The first production Wempe 904 quartz chronometer
A Peyer Favarger seconds desktop or workbench slave with early movement
A striking Reclus
A first example of a Gisholt periodograph and some history
A Brillie domestic intercom with clock
An 18 inch late type silvered dial by Gent
A Cotna Ferraris rewound wall clock with programmer
Ericsson with LIP movement with Ferraris rewind
Mini desktop clock with Junghans Astro-quartz movement
An Ergas clock with the Ergas maker name
A similar sounding but completely different Urgos clock
An advertising clock for the Portescap/Secticon universal escapement
Reorganised Tiffany folder with new header information and document
Reorganised Leroy folder. Clocks by other makers moved together.
Another Vigreux Brillie table regulator
New folder for the Crown synchronous by Herschede


A new folder on electrostatic clocks, historical and modern
A clock and telescope time standard by Henry Warren of Telechron
A Gents XC407
Manuals for Seiko quartz QC-6M4 and QC-6M5
A new folder for an d’Arsonval chronoscope
New link to the Silentia wall clock added in 2021 but lost since
Rare industrial Hipp wall slave dial with hand setting mechanism
A linear desk clock with a Kienzle 669a electromechanical insertion movement
A very special Peyer Farvarger glass tank observatory regulator
A Vedette with a new transistorised insertion movement
Restoration of an Ingrams master and new history of the company
A Coventry electric ships clock
A very unusual Puja mains motor clock with calendar
Some Gillett and Johnston master clock set up advice
A new folder for Hettich
A new folder for Hermle with a reform type floating balance
A Roamer microquartz in marine chronometer case
New diagram on the navigation page for full resolution images.
A new movement, the Brillie Delviniotti balance wheel in 2 clocks
A Venner mains frequency monitoring clock
Lowne master clock with programmer or bell ringer
Civilian version of the Omega Megaquartz marine chronometer
An early Omega Megaquartz marine chronometer no. 142
A Lepaute catalogue, undated and history of the company
Seiko QM10 marine chronometer manual
Bardon mantle clock no 476 with images of fine adjuster in the base
Abra watch company history in newspaper cuttings
A new folder for Staiger
A new FAVAG cristaltime master QCM-1 with manual
Another Holden pendulum clock under glass dome
A T&N slave dial with paging hand
A new unknown electromagnetic rewound balance movement, unknown 11
Another CWC quartz marine chronometer with EJ 990 movement
Updated Steuart clock movement in restoration
Remington clock with insertion movement resembling a Reform movement
A new early quartz, the Roamer Micro Quartz marine timer
A new electromagnetic clock, the Rex Mundi world timer 1968 Olympics clock
A second Baume and Mercier early quartz marine style desk clock
Another genuine military quartz marine chronometer by CWC
Our first Cartier clock, quartz alarm clock, movement maker not known
Another Seiko QM10 early quartz marine chronometer
Unknown German Observer/Auber electromagnetic balance wheel movement
Chelsea marine style desk clock with Kienzle movement
A Synchronos low voltage synchronous kit clock from Germany
New folder for Meisei early quartz movement
A new Ulysse Nardin marine style early quartz
New folder for Matthew Norman marine style quartz clock
New Accutron tuning fork marine chronometer Mk2 Swiss

And a new document describing variations in Murday clocks and a survey. Please consider submitting details of Murday clocks in your collection as we try to explore variations in design.

‘unknown makers’ Number 16 is a Favag slave, no. 11 has been removed, a mechanical clock by Vincenti et Cie. Number 14 is thought to be early Siemens and Halske
A Diehl insertion movement disassembled and video
Another modernist transistor ATO wall clock with synchroniser coil
CWC quartz in bulkhead case added
David Perret standard movement restoration story
A rare Bardon slave added, this one in a metal case
Manual for a Seiko QC 6M2 early quartz marine master clock
An unusual early David Perret slave added
An early Wagner slave added
A Princeps type 1 with 30 second impulse circuit
Can you help identify Unknown 28, probably a laboratory impulse generator similar to those by Palmer
David Perret video of rewind
Another Smiths Jeco tuning fork movement with video

2022 A new folder for Hour Lavergne, a clock with an Angelus movement
New folder for Ferat, an unusual and very early electric clock
An Orel movement disassembled with videos
More pictures of an Ergas movement with video of winding
A modernist Ato with 30 second mercury switch impulse
A first master clock added to the Mehne folder
A Burk slave with staff locator hand
The Bentley clock given by the inventor to Leicester Museum
An unusual synchronome with magnetic escapement and also a count wheel, with video
A Synchronome power station frequency monitor with unusual brass door case, including videos
A second example of a Robert Milne regulator
A new clock, Gustav Schönberg to the 1904 patent
A rare tyre data advertisment card in a Station Dunlop Brillie clock and another possible advertising item, a letter opener for Telavox
A new folder for Standard Electric Clock Co of the UK, with van der Plancke movement
A very useful document on a synchronome distribution board and a Silent Electric Clock company ‘Siletock’ brochure for schools
Bodet BTE2 master clock and technical manual for the Bodet ALS 162 radio time signal antenna
an Ato modernist style clock with weekly programmer
An interesting Riefler wall regulator in an unusual aluminium case
New images of winding and wind triggering for Silentia 508 and detailed images of the Vaucanson fine rate control fitted to the case.
A very early Lowne slave dial to the 1901 patent
Many thanks to Veilinghuis de Jager for many images of clocks in their recent auction, now in many folders.
We are delighted to now host all the material from Chris Bolwell’s Telavox clock blog, the future of which had become uncertain. The Telavox folder has been completely reorganised
New wiring diagrams for Standard Electric Time master clock and programmer and notes on early SETCo slave orientation
Manual for the Patek Philippe ZA Telequartz TL series
A survey of known synchronome minute master clocks – do you have one? can you send the equivalent information to be included?
A great new guide on servicing and adjusting synchronome slaves
An unusual ‘reversing’ Bulle half second movement
A military pattern Omega Megaquartz with very full records and an early Rigel quartz marine chronometer and Tokyo Sokki recent marine chronometer
A Brillie half second badged Leroy with compensated pendulum
New documents, T&N service manual from 1968, ITR 22/1 master clock manual, Standard Electric Time Co fire alarm circuit 1958-77 and Self Winding Clock Co manual 1923.
New header file information on Poole and Barr and pictures of disassembled movement
Another New Era clock serial 220 is found and folder updated
New folder for Jean Lassale and their early quartz clocks in marine style
Another Hahl pneumatic master added
Another Gent Chronopher 3 added
Detailed restoration of a No-Key clock including making new pendulum
An unknown model of Seiko early quartz marine chronometer like the 951-II
New folder for the rare Vigreux Brillie linear movement clocks
Four new clocks, an early electric Vedette, a Bürk marine master clock, a new folder for Cabot watch and Clock (CWC) quartz chronometer and a new folder for the Rapco 1804, our first GPS controlled clock

Some fun for Christmas: Cathode ray tube clocks
New folder for Baume and Mercier quartz marine chronometer
Close up images of two types of contact in Girod clocks and new photos of one after cleaning with parts shown
New folder for the Seiko quartz marine chronometer QC 951 – II
Information on how to run non-IBM slaves on an IBM master
New folder for the Gübelin quartz desk clock
A very rare find, a Silentia movement as a wall clock
Complete dismantle and restore of a CT Wagner slave
New folder for the AEG ‘BUT’ desk clock with the W627 movement
More on the rare 0.5 second Murday pendulum clocks in the pyramid style case.
A new unknown slave, resembles Favarger, can you identify it?
A new index to Peter Smith’s Horologix restoration stories, currently for Eureka clocks only, making it much easier to access the wealth of information in them.
A very useful detailed condition and treatment report on a half second silent electric clock with lots of technical information
A new Satori regulator completely dismantled
Patents are now renamed by applicant.  If you do a document search it searches inside patents, but this makes browsing easier.
New folder Rigel quartz marine chronometer
New Wempe quartz chronometer pages with model 904 and 10057
New folder for the Ebauches B-1390 early quartz marine chronometer
New maker added New Era
New maker added Standard Time Co. of London
New unknown slave movement number 14 in the unknown folder. 
New document, a really useful document on early synchronome slaves and information on dating in the synchronome slaves folder.
More photos and information on HE Jones clocks nos 7 and 11
Two new folders: Steenhans/Timetronic quartz and ATE, a very early quartz
New folder for Estyma and related transistor clocks
A Brillie half second complete restoration with photos of all components
A Ritchie electrically controlled mechanical movement
An unusual Ecole de Cluses with motor rewind in a half second movement
Restoration of an Aron ZBa timeswitch
Smiths ‘sectric’ complete dismantle and restore
New folder for new maker Mehne
New folders for Kundo and for Korfhange and Sohne and for Margnoux
The earliest synchronome mark 1 (number 4) added
New folder for Synchronome Australia

 At the end of 2020 we activated a major site upgrade with simpler folder structure and index page.  The search facility now searches general and maker-specific documents, but all maker-specific documents are now kept in the individual maker folders.  The unknown maker clocks were revised.   Over 400 patents were added, nearly 200 animations now added and hundreds of documents.  After the upgrade we had over 20000 images from over 350 makers.
New style headers for some folders with more external links to YouTube and websites (for example see Synchronome, English Clock Systems, Self Winding, No Key, Eureka, Lowne, and Siemens).


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